Helping you achieve your goals. Grow & Succeed!

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Our value

Programs made accessible and that cater to your needs

At Computer Coach we recognize not everyone needs a full career program. Sometimes, just a short course, to upskill is what is needed. We get it! You should never stop learning.

With this in mind, we created our continuing education course division. These courses are available at our wonderful location in Tampa, FL through live instructor-led classroom environments and remote live instructor led environments, wherever you have an Internet connection. Contact a Training Specialist to learn more about what options the course or skill you need is available in.

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Our Courses

We provide many tech-related programs

Take a look at our most popular:

Data Specialist
Cyber Security
Cyber Security Specialist
Computer Technician
Computer Support Technician
Cloud Integration Specialist
Front End Web Development
Office Building
Business Office Specialist

Our Proposition

Take the first step and schedule a consultation today

Begin your journey now. Whether you need more info on our courses or tuition options, feel free to reach out!